Wednesday 27 April 2016


My boyfriend just asked me if I was okay to which I responded yeah I'm okay. I promised I wasn't lying and I wasn't.
I promised I wasn't because currently I'm flaring up with my knee. It's very swollen and very painful, so why am I okay when I am in a lot of pain, and I really am both okay and in a lot of pain.
I've been thinking about this a lot in the last day or two because really it makes no sense. I won't lie there have been moments when I've been very angry and frustrated with it all but generally speaking I've been unnaturally happy, much happier than I probably should be, considering the pain I'm in. So why? Why am I so unbelievably happy?
The simple answer is my boyfriend.
He makes me happier than I could ever say or attempt to explain. He has literally changed my life. I was in this horrible rut, doing the same mundane things day in day out going along hating my job feeling really lost having just finished my degree, I was stuck.
He has somehow brought me out of a darkness that I didn't even know I was in, he's smashed my walls and changed me. The affect that another can have on your life is completely understated, it's amazing. I love him so much, he's got no idea how much or how much he means to me.
Despite the amount of pain I'm in right now I am happy.

Sunday 10 April 2016


I was thinking earlier about insecurities, those little things about yourself you don't like, be it about your appearance or a trait. What I find fascinating is what you personally notice and what other people notice. What I fixate about and truly hate other people haven't even noticed. It's so easy to go around day to day stuck in your own head, picking at every single thing you hate or worry about it. When you think about it logically it's absolutely ridiculous, considering other people don't care/notice the same things. It's interesting considering that nearly everyone has something that they'd change about themselves, how many other people actually even take notice of that same thing?

Saturday 9 April 2016


I was just laying in bed watching a film which isn't exactly something strange for me but I started thinking about loneliness. Not long ago I got into a pretty amazing relationship, which is why loneliness as an emotion popped into mind. Now two/three months ago when watching a film like this I'd of felt extremely lonely. I wouldn't say that I'm lonely at all, I'd say I was really happy, happy and in love. Now my question is this, does loneliness ever really go or does the emotion just change to longing and missing someone? Are we all just missing someone, whether it be someone in particular or not? I definitely miss him right now especially in that romantic moment of that film. It previously would of been loneliness but now I feel a different emotion, but is it the same emotion.